Anonymous ID: e03fd8 Nov. 26, 2021, 5:57 a.m. No.15082265   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Glenn and his outfit has always done steller work in exposing the fuckery that's coming and who's gonna bring it. No different this time. He was right back when he had his show on FNC and I'm afraid he is moar right today than even he knows. None of this is good. None of it.

God bless you Glenn.


Anonymous ID: e03fd8 Nov. 26, 2021, 6:06 a.m. No.15082298   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well, the question was asked and Q said no but for some fucking reason there are those who just keep this bullshit going. JFK Jr. I don't know that much about. Don't think he was involved in any fuckery but JFK certainly was and I've never understodd the lionization of JFK, period. He, via (old man Joe) stole the election from Nixon, fucked around on his wife repeatedly and on and on. Certainly not a bastion of upright morality. There were positives but……….


POTUS on with David Asman on FBN right now.

Anonymous ID: e03fd8 Nov. 26, 2021, 6:44 a.m. No.15082469   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The printing of money has had a predictable effect on inflation but moar than anything else the leftist strangling of our energy supplies is the biggest factor bar none.


When the cost of energy goes up it affects every single aspect of business and the economy. This is the main reason FJB killed the Keystone, shut off Anwar and tageted other means of energy production is to force the entire country into this green energy bullshit. Texas found out last year just how well all of that works. Morans in California know it even better. Car companies undermining themselves by going along with it as are many other corporations. Be fucking damned if I ever buy an electric car.


The ground floor premise of all of this is couched in protecting the planet. It is absolute bullshit. Petroleum is, to use the hysteria proned vernacualr of the left, "THE RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCE". It's produced natually by our planet. The good Lord put petroleum here for a reason. The good Lord gave man a fucking brain for a reason. Oil, whcih is ingrained in literally everything we produce is a miracle from God and he put it here for us to make use of it. Not ignore it or destroy it. The Red Communist have known for a long time that Western Civilization could never, ever be destroyed by armed force. They hooked themselves onto the "Global Warming" scam knowing that destroying the world's most powerful economy can and would have the exact same effect.

FJB. Fuck Communist, Fuck Progressives, Fuck Democrats.

Fuck Em' All!!!!