People like her should have her name made public
I don't talk to regular people very often, & when I do, I try to only keep it superficial nonsense.
But the other day I talked with someone who I thought was up on a lot of this shit.
Then I told her about how the Pfizer & the rest have immunity from getting sued for anything caused by the vaccine & she had no idea.
I think that topic should be talked about more because it's something both sides can understand & see as fucked up once they know about it.
The problem is a lot of normal regular people don't know about it. Everyone assumes that if they were hurt by the vaccine, to the point it was VERY obvious it was the vaccine, then they would be allowed to sue. Because in America, you can sue anyone for anything(doesn't mean you will win tho), once people find out you can't with these companies, more will open their eyes to the fuckery
This is the World we are about to be forced to live in. Where people who demand others to do things because they think they know everything & then when the bad thing happens, they just shrug it off & blame it something else.
Partly so they can not feel guilty about assisting in killing their spouse, but also to avoid admitting the truth.
These scumbags want everyone to make the shit decision they did & take the shot even when they know it's Russian Roulette. They feel if they did it, everyone else should suffer & do it too so they are not alone. It's seriously a SICK fucking way to live & I hope they suffer greatly for it.
They have been brushing of the ol' SIDs excuse recently. So yeah, they know EXACTLY what's going to happen soon.
I fucking WISH they would turn NYS inside out. It's so fucked up & even WORSE now with that new bitch cunt Gov.
I said she would be far worse than Cuomo & she has proved me right since her first day after she lied her way into office
Yes, get ready to see those commercials on TV asking if you took the Pfizer shot & now suffer from a list of side effects they will scroll over the screen