"arabic-style 'temple'"?
What is this person on about?
I can see it, yes.
However, this is really more typical of a hammam vs."temple".
right. it's a misleading way to describe a thing and I'm funny about that.
also, it assumes that the reader is stupid.
No, Anons actually do not know. There were/are lots of threads to pull and that wasn't one I spent a lot of time on. I saw Eyes Wide Shut when it came out (was pretty young, happily napping) and haven't revisited it.
Help me out.
It's weird that she was recording the interaction and I really don't want to believe that she was provoking or intentionally setting up the father of her son to be murdered.
At the same time, divorce is ugly, it's made uglier by the courts, and there are zero Constitutional protection for the fathers. And the mothers don't care that they're being used by a machine, bc it feels good to be "validated" by family court, by the State, by everyone who siphons money off of her.