>>15085707 pb
>Omicron COVID Variant
hmm. decoding to do.
"it's a big fat zero"?
>Hearing chatter of stillborn deaths from vaccinated mothers.
Hearing chatter of stillborn deaths from stupid mothers, you say? That's very sad. The stupid should not be exterminated in this way.
It's not their fault they're stupid. They've been brain laundried by MSM.
>>Omicron COVID Variant
micro has multiple meanings. We always think "small" now. But it was not always the case. The "micro" in "microphone" meant "to copy the radiant speech".
"mike" means "copy", and ro means ra/radiance/red.
Just another group owned by the big banks.
Yeah that sounds like the original meaning of the circular symbol "everlasting time".
>At least they had a choice in the matter
I don't agree. I think that's the elite's interpretation.
But consider you drug someone in their food and water, you give them a placebo education you brainwash them you blindfold them and then you point them at a cliff and say "walk forward".
That's not choice.
>you point them at a cliff and say "walk forward".
Sorry that should be "walk forward there's a dangerous monster coming"
>Man shall only live 120 years is a reference to how many ejaculations you get. Fact. It’s brain fluid. Double fact.
Stop watching santos bonacci. he lost his mind or his soul or something. Tell me about flat earth now
kek. Can I spot someone who watches bonacci or what.
His earlier stuff was good in my opinion. He took that new psychodelic, the one where people report totally blacking out and shooting up like a rocket. He changed a huge amount when he did that
Arkansas and Sydney are less than 45 degrees apart, or certainly not much more. The moon is far away. If I stand far from a ball, I can see almost 180 degrees of that ball. Ergo both sydney and arkansas can see the moon at the same time, yes.
what spin? seeing the moon from Arkansas and Sydney at the same time is incredibly simple geometry. Some people have trouble visualizing geometry I guess.
> Bill Donahue.
Oh yeah bonacci points to that guy sometimes. Also bad stuff IMO. Certain of these ones seem to have trained in making the implausible plausible. Like trained.
Donahue has a cultish sense to him. He's really trained in that skill.
that guy's a nasty communist. he also led 2 caltech researchers directly to the original published papers describing wormholes.
Any twist of any little word - anything to maintain your ego. You've been damaged fren.
>prove it
The whole discussion of what proof is, is a great one. Never covered by anyone.
Basically, nothing can be proved to someone who doesn't want to believe it.
We can prove that the stories of Jesus are astrological allegories. We can come to an either/or conclusion. Either Jesus did not exist and it was written by advanced priests with advanced knowledge, or he did exist, and was somehow living out an astrological allegory through synchronicity (read Jung for more)
Again. Just totally imagining a worldview to protect your ego. This is indicating damage, fren.