>>15090010 (lb)
The dead giveaway is in the beginning of the book. Satan guided Adam and Eve to the book of the knowledge of "good and evil" and told them if they follow it, they would not die and that they would be like God.
Both were lies. Memorizing the Bible won't prevent death and trying to follow it, to be "like God," is utterly impossible, nor were we created to be able to. We are mortal humans. All of us. No one can live up to the standards, which is why is pleases Satan to watch us try and fail, over and over again.
It's time to put the book away. No man truly knows the mind of God, or what is good or evil, in the big picture. The need to control others behavior, and to "punish" them on behalf of God is the root of so much of the wrongs in the world.