Q is a psyop? Of course it is. A psyop effective at discovering and disseminating information the DS would have you never find…does that sounds like a DS psyop or a Patriot psyop? Think mirror.
The cure for homosexuality? it's called ivermectin for toxoplasmosis
the masks
if mind control is taking control of your own mind
where are the [clones] buried?
another anti-vaxxxer hit piece
“Interestingly, the points anti-vaxxers made in the 1800s are not much different from points being made today,” notes Elizabeth Jacobs, a professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at the University of Arizona. Anti-vaxxers have always had to rely on confirmation bias outlier data to support their cause. To them, the focus can't ever be on the number of people who are dying or becoming hospitalized as a result of the disease that vaccines are known to prevent; today, for instance, they have to focus on the 1 in 200,000 people who have a serious adverse — even if nonlethal — reaction to a vaccine instead of the 1 in 150 people who die from Covid-19…
And of course, religious beliefs have continued to play a part in vaccine hesitancy as well, morphing as the science has changed. While many religious leaders have encouraged parishioners to become vaccinated against Covid-19, some today have objected on the grounds that certain vaccines have been developed using fetal cells. Previously, some ultra-Orthodox rabbis and other religious leaders have cited debunked information that vaccines are “experimental,” making them akin to “child sacrifice,”while in Nigeria, Muslim communities boycotted polio vaccination when religious leaders told their followers they may be contaminated with anti-fertility agents, HIV and cancerous agents….
Offit says the only option that remains for today’s holdouts are government mandates at the federal level or requiring proof of entry into stores and events by local businesses. "When logic and reason don't matter to someone," he said, "you have to find something they do care about."
who is sitting back and doing nothing? shills maybe
If AM is related to AH, then AM is twisted joke jar baby.
Dig Meme Pray
Digital Media Project
4 booms
Code 4? no further assistance required
I bet every country has a death quota to uphold
she about to sing? asking for a suicide?
hello Oepipus. we've come full circle.