SOON TO BE BREAKING! Ayman on msnbc about to tell people why their loved ones fell down the Qanon rabbit hole and how deep they fell.
Damn. I though the Frankfurt School was smarter than that. Those 11 points read like they were written by a middle school common psychopath.
>No mask for Jill.
The aged homewrecker Jill is in her version of heaven. No man can turn her down. She is fucking like she's never fucked before. You think the governor of California turned her down? The governor of Virginia? Nope. Jill is setting Joe's travel schedule on who she wants to fuck. Milley had a ride for sure. Can picture it. Jill says to Joe: hey honey, go with so and so. and take your pills, I'll be right there (while under her breath she says I'm about to fuck this guy's eyes out). Joe says: okay.
msnbc's Ayman's guest just gave the game away.
His exact quote: We have more people more vulnerable than ever before. He may think he's talking about us but he is, instead talking about his own tribe (journalists). bty: Good to see they are talking about the Roseanne Boylen 1/6 death.
I must say at the annual thanksgiving gathering oldanon met with another oldster for the first time since last year. We are great friends. We were seated on a couch and padded chair while the youngsters were all standing up. He in a doctor family, he showed me, on his smart phone, his vax passport. He's has of 3 of the phizer shots (it's like his passport, he can go everywhere). . I smiled and said that's great. We got on other subjects. Later on he asked me! I was trying to avoid it. I said no: two thanksgivings ago I was on HCQ. This thanksgiving I am on Ivermectim. He said: Horse Paste? I answered him the best I could.
No, I didn't miss it. Gave him a few quick facts, saw the look in his eyes (he's a smart old man) and then moved on. Believe me, he's thinking about it. Didn't miss it, hit it square in fact.
Did you tell him the pill costs $5.00 per 3 mg tablet while you can get 5-7 oz. of horse paste for less than $10.00?