>Patriots haven’t been pacified—they’ve been activated.
Thinking critically is not being pacified, it's the opposite of that. To verify info. To mistrust fake news and alt fake news is vital.
To mistrust ANY info that you were fed as a child and just TRUSTed it without thinking about it.
Does the cabal/deep state want that?
Hell the fuck no.
Too many people away == game over, that's to the point. Share info, also vital.
>but but you are only sharing data and digging and educating yourself and finding out the secrets of the CDC and other corrupt entities archive, you are totally pacified and not doing anything
That's what I call a schizo.
Hell 2 years ago I thought the Nazis would have been defeated in some way or another. Now I know they never were defeated, and ultra rich families kept all their illegal wealth and are now funding this charade.