A Double Nothingburger w/ Extra Cheese
A Double Nothingburger w/ Extra Cheese
Because the people still listening to corporate media are drones and don't care. The rest are too busy trusting the plan to put up a fight, because they're still waiting on a hero.
She ain't gonna name shit.
Just another coverup incoming.
Justice tho.
Soon or something.
>All hell will break loose when the first witness takes the stand…
Yeah, right. Sure it will. Too many pieces in place to cover all the asses. Corporate media still in control of the general narrative. Jizzface will get a slap on the wrist (if that) and then be shuffled off into hiding somewhere.
>Getting together a game of Dodge Ball
>2 teams: Who would you pick?
>Team Flynn?
>Team Lin?
Neither. Fuck both of 'em. 2 grifters flapping their cocksuckers and nothing more.
Seriously…how mentally deficient must a person be to think that could be the answer?
"The 2020 election was stolen! Vote in 2022 to fix it!"
>Demoralizing crew out in force.
No, based in reality.
To think you can fix a broken election system, with a proven fraudulent Presidential election in the books, with yet ANOTHER election that will be plagued with fraud, is idiotic.
They won't just let a legit election happen after that… they'll just get better at cheating, and get better at covering it up.
THAT is what has to change before voting matters again. No amount of self-serving reasoning will change that.
>The continued disparaging of those that desire accountability and self governance… only exposes (you).
That's where you're wrong. My desire for accountability and self-governance is an idea that we share…
It's thinking we can vote our way out of it through an already proven broken & fraudulent election system…that we disagree on.
Because you can't. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome = insanity.
You're just playing the same game over and over, and the outcome will remain the same…until something happens to fix it.
>Sorry to say folks, we aren't going to be able to vote our way out of a dictatorship.
Ask the people in other countries plagued by a dictatorship has worked by trying to vote their way out of it.
Spoiler: It doesn't work.
>On Morning 1 of #GhislaineMaxwell Trial, Jury Finally Selected Including Unvaccinated
Ah, so all the jurors will get sick…they'll blame it on the unvaccinated, it'll fuck up the trial, and Jizzface will skip off into the sunset.