Anonymous ID: 7a9a59 Nov. 29, 2021, 11:34 a.m. No.15101321   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>15100867 /lb

>>15100627 /lb

>>15100648 /lb


All three sound like petulant children that when their way isn't gotten they would rather burn it down then to try again. Too many participation trophies creates this type of mentality.


If you goof balls actually looked at the 2020 election results (other than the Presidency) you would realize many districts that have always been blue turned red. Of course there was fraud… the reason it is so obvious is because of all the down ballot Republican candidates that got elected where Trump supposedly lost.


But that likely is the reason you are here… to demoralize as much as possible.

Can't be having local & state elections won by Constitution loving Americans.