Anonymous ID: 0e8123 May 22, 2018, 4:20 p.m. No.1510737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0802

Not Q related, just some replies, go ahead and skip this one if you are focused on Qresearch.




It's called psychoacustics, a crash course in Acustic Engineering, how different frequencies are received by the auditorial canal and captured by the eardrum, some come out louder, others lower, this varies from person to person since the human body is imperfect and even the shape of the ear can affect your perception, the speaker set can also affect if you heard the first or the second (ie I hear Yanny on my PC but hear Laurel on the TV). It's a trick with frequencies, even if they are different letters, the frequencies used are similar enough to be confused.



Cats and dogs for example, some time before earthquakes alot of pets go missing, they are usually found on top of hills and high ground, but causation is still debated. Since EQ creates magnetic and ultrasonic perturbations, before, during and after, it's a reasonable theory.

>For a dozen years a theory has been advanced in the south San Francisco Bay area that when an extraordinarily large number of dogs and cats are reported in the "Lost and Found" section of the San Jose Mercury News, the probability of an earthquake striking the area increases significantly (Maryanski, 1985; Allstetter, 1986). These earthquake predictions, based on two other criteria as well (Wells, 1985), specify that an earthquake of Richter magnitude between 3.5 to 5.5 will occur within a 70-mile radius of downtown San Jose in a designated time period. A success ratio of 80% over the last 12 years was claimed (Allstetter, 1986). However, seismologists do not accept this method of predicting earthquakes; McNutt and Heaton (1981) refute one of the other two criteria.

Anonymous ID: 0e8123 May 22, 2018, 4:34 p.m. No.1510925   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Once again, Not Q related, just another reply, go ahead and skip this one if you are focused on Qresearch. Last one so I don't slide.



Been listening to you anon, Electromagnetic sensibility and a link to previous earthquakes eh? Anon you are going to have to try harder If you want to convince us of that, like other sources. Else you just sound like a concernfag and risk getting filtered by the least pacient anons, caps lock does not help either.

If you are still there next time try something like this, but better developed and more elaborate:

>The Earth Magnetic Poles are wekening and may soon shift

>Algorithim predictions point to the possibility of a BIG (+6.5 magnitude EQ) in Nevada (expected since 1974, but probability increases over time since tension increases), as well as a ~6.65% prob. of low to moderate EQ in Japan and ~5.64% prob. in Iran in the next 48h.

(Press the [+] web button then view to access computer predictions)

>Map of recent earthquakes, notice how they are increasing around Nevada, as well as the previous mentioned 48h predictions already happening (expect lower strenght "ripples")



I think you meant for this anon >>1510736