Anonymous ID: 3037c5 May 22, 2018, 3:47 p.m. No.1510324   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0353 >>0366 >>0383 >>0399 >>0409 >>0415 >>0424 >>0425 >>0429 >>0453 >>0518 >>0544

I'm old & slow, this is a reply to an older bread. You younguns treat this place too much like a chatroom sometimes. <3







>Do you guys really need Q to spell out


>Extraterrestrial life exists ON Earth and everywhere.


Q puts it in code. See attached.


>40,000 ft view is classified

>patriots don't leak classified info


40,000 ft view post contains pic that has secret space program asset in it.


Q can not confirm this directly yet, this subject still requires plausible deniability. So Q can only hint until we are ready for this intel to be more directly given to us.


this board is proving to Q we can't handle the truth (yet)


40,000 ft view is required to understand all however.


the choice to know is ours. full disclosure is happening. WE decide the pace.


The newfags are having trouble with this subject, more so the day crew than the night crew. the old timers have no problem with this, we have know it a long time.

Anonymous ID: 3037c5 May 22, 2018, 3:56 p.m. No.1510426   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0587 >>0696


opera went to shit ever since it was bought out by china & turned into spyware.


Use waterfox and privacy badger if you want privacy. many people recommend brave, but I find it crashes to much for me.


This website has an update to its JS a while ago that is causing slowdowns and hangs in firefox based browsers.


If you experience these make sure to goto about:preferences and enable multi process rendering, disable suggested preformance settings and enable hardware acceleration (depending on hardware, try this one both ways and see what works) and up the limit of content threads allowed. use about:support to make sure you are actually in multi process mode, if you are falling back to single you may have to goto about:config and enable force disabling accessibility. This will ensure your browser does not freeze up while loading tabs in the background. otherwise the javascripts on any background tab will completely freeze the entire browser.

Anonymous ID: 3037c5 May 22, 2018, 4:14 p.m. No.1510642   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0683 >>0717 >>0732


ALiens, and Demons/angels/spirits are NOT mutually exclusive.


I was atheist as fuck, but am a scientist at heart so I did my own digging, and own research.


Funny think though, I actually meanaged CE-5 and the first thing aliens 'thought' at me was telling me about god.


funny that, most of the aliens seem to believe in god and spirits also.


As Q said, its all connected.

Anonymous ID: 3037c5 May 22, 2018, 4:19 p.m. No.1510720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0784


LOL, funny you mention HHGTTG, when I had my first CE-5 experience they dug into my memories of the books and movies to explain the nature of god and the universe to me! They also explored MANY paradoxes with me and many of the other topics you listed.


Was supper wierd, they didn't talk to me like voices in my head, it was like being pulled from my body and being thrown out into the cosmos to experience the things I had questions about personally as those things such to both answer my questions and show me the nature of consciousness. The aquatics I talked to communicated through visions, memories, experiences, shapes, colors, and song. Was a VERY weird but enlightening experience.

Anonymous ID: 3037c5 May 22, 2018, 4:25 p.m. No.1510795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0806 >>0846


I think the day crew spends so long toiling at work, and playing on the computer when they go home to take a few moments to meditate and go outside and look up into the sky.


You can't get these guys to look around for helo traffic (they don't show up on plane fag sites) what makes you think they will look for UFO's :p