This bread seems to high a high schizo content
gonna get uh popcorn and a beer
This bread seems to high a high schizo content
gonna get uh popcorn and a beer
Habsburg jaw
Never trust anyone with an inbred genetic defect like that…they are part of the club
>I think the entire markets are going to shit
stawks are manipulated, as is gold/silver/bitcoin etc
>Michelle Obama “We’re Ladies”.
lots of vaxxies won't be around for their 4th and 5th and 6th boosters…..they'll be pushing up the daisies or soylent green'd
I'm sure he's a good goy
The NSA are all good goys
Trust the NSA
Trust your Government
America could use more of those based Koreans
> Rights become Privileges?
If you obey, you will be rewarded with your….freedom, which is not really freedom at all
Your leash will just be loosened slightly by your Overlords
BTW…take your booster…or else
>For all I know you are Rogers posting right now fucking with me.