That means the vaxx is working
>If they know the end, what does this meanโฆ.?
White Hats/Black Hats both have a technology called Looking Glass, supposedly
Feed in data to quantum super-computers and Looking Glass, ask about future possibilities and see all possible outcomes
"Watch the water"
Like a Chess game, moves and counter-moves with differing outcomes literally deciding The Future
According to this video, the outcome is already known and cannot be altered
No further manipulation of the future is possible
God wins
You can't get out
>Bird Migration responsible for Omicron
I knew that TPTB would come up with some lame excuse like this
Birds ! What a crock !
This movie gets more and more insanely unbelievably ludicrous
Quick ! Get those birds !
Why don't the migrating birds have vax passports ?????
>coordinate a worldwide response
Yes Yes Yes
We need a New World Order !
One World Government, of course
>everything in my browser keeps flashing up.
probably an MK Ultra Trojan
it was nice knowing you
Brown Squall
all those nice "leather" handbags and shoes, especially the red shoes
Crimes Against Humanity
Ahoy matey, the Doge future beckons !
>But bro how can Doge exist in the future
Doge exists outside of space-time on the edge of multiple Doge singularities
Therefore, all Doge memes of the past and future are infinitely slipping in and out of 2D/3D/4D existence at a quantum-doge-quasiprong microntic level