>>15105794 pb
Her neck is on the block, metaphorically
She'll do ANYTHING
Her Platform
Figures.. less than 500K viewers?;)
Let's go anons… Let's get more views than CNN
>>15105794 pb
Her neck is on the block, metaphorically
She'll do ANYTHING
Her Platform
Figures.. less than 500K viewers?;)
Let's go anons… Let's get more views than CNN
Chris Hedges is untrustworthy
His reporting on Terrorism in Iraq confirmed the war there; yet he pretends to be a cleric of some kind.. He also pushes violent revolution to his audience… They should rise up , not him.. Claims it's "the only way"
would not get a block away from him if him and his people are down at the courthouse.
British History is ver interesting
The authentic history, that is.
Fomenko… too many books to read and there in Russian, But I get a hold of a few translations.
Scientifically proven via Maths Statistics and Computer aided mathematical analysis.
To cut to the chase.
Apparently the historical figure "Jesus" (not sure what all he was called back then) Spent the years of his life after 32 /33 in Tibet?! Himalayas, Cross the Indus River, out of the Middle East?
Need to look closer, but Wow.
No time at the moment, but it's likely real.
"Bon" in French means "Good"
just sayn'
Very exciting histrical discoveries bourne out of Anatoly Fomenko and associated scholars / scientists work.
Merry Christmas
"History of deception surfacing"
The Cabal likely killed Ledger to try to stop this movie.
Were unsuccessful ultimately; but who knows what the original script was;
Ledger's alleged Hollywood frens, like Johhny Depp and others; Took over the Ledger Role in order for the film to be completely
Most of the second half of the movie; shot after Ledger was gone, is done underground in the movie, i.e. Tunnels Trap Doors whatever.
There's a very prominent Eye in the Triangle show at the start of the Movie, on the major Circus caravan that serves as the stage.
From studying this movie we became aware of a group of Carnie operators who kidnap and maim to create freaks for their shows; It's analogous to what goes on today?
Oh that's going to go over big.
Haven't they driven enough people away from their platform
Next they get you to upload your injection passport.
I got more on this ledger thing I'l post next bread.
no obligaton to explain ANYTHING to the Daily Mail
Weren't they owned by Maxwell at one time
What a coinkydink
Fake news is like a mother substitute made out of metal and covered with a rag