Update: On Thanksgiving, this 64 y/o anon was exposed (hugged and hung out with all day) to a person who came down with China virus (the so-called covid test said) on the day after Thanksgiving and is today still quite ill. Some family members of this person including a child are currently hospitalized with "whatever" they have.
This nonvaxxed anon (me) has been proactive with prophylaxis supplementation for many months - ie Ivermectin, Zinc, Vit C, D3, Quercetin, CoQ10, NAC, multivitamin, and melatonin. (I have HCQ and azithromycin on standby in my medicine cabinet in case I need it.) So here I am, 6 days after exposure still healthy as a horse. I'm almost ready to declare my supplement routine as a roaring success. I shall continue to keep you updated…