media went from calling the attacker an suv to a black man
disparaging all black people instead of one darrell
media went from calling the attacker an suv to a black man
disparaging all black people instead of one darrell
armed agents? texas school district? so who authorized who? the parents ackshually voted for this or was this a man dated memo'
is that euphimism for taking it up the arse?
bitch doin a nu huomocuomo stradlding the fence and satanic sacrificial ritual murders - she was thar - too
orange man bad calls the virus "kung flu"
psacki defending the honor of the virus - science
maxwell protected well
no media no camera no audio
whitewashed puritanical whitey privey post $$$ bookdeals and jet rides
let's go brandon
typical satanic dick and asshole
gives 40 acres of nm desert that cost him zip and then further owns the groundfloor satanist
wut a deal
education and children - so easy to sell your soul step buh step