OK, specifically incest between Natalie and Hunter was not shown (not clearly). ANYWAY, the point of my post, and much of what I argued even back when it was apparent just how depraved Hunter is (and his father when the letter dropped back then as well) was the real point of the drops is to show everyone how corrupt they are as people in politics. Selling this country down the river without any moral boundary whatsoever. I suppose the pics showing their other depravities was the "!" on top of the other stuff, but I saw it as a distraction for the most part.
>anon was totally surprised that they dared to run Bidan with so many images extant of his groping children, on stage nonetheless.
They didn't have a choice. That should be evident that this is still, very much, a plan in motion. It's interesting to see ABCs run interference. Just how much longer do we have to go until all this nastiness is cleaned up from our gov't? That's the question on my mind.