Anonymous ID: 0261fd May 22, 2018, 5:15 p.m. No.1511347   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1360




The recent history of Iran is fascinating, really is

a big red bill regarding how the oil cartels and CIA/MI6

work completely against what is good for their own

citizens and the world. A man I wish more peopel

were familiar with is


Dr. Hossein Fatemi

who inspired Mossedeq to nationalize iranian oil from

the British/French thieves who wouldn't submit to

full audits allowing them to completly shaft the iranian people from getting their fair share of profits (the deal was suppose to be a 50/50 split

but (((they))) hid the profits like the scum (((they))) are.


unfortunately the revolution failed because the Iranians

didn't have the technical knowledge to run all

the facests of Oil product/extraction/refienment and

the C_A "took care" of all their "HVT's" (high value



I pray not only for America, but also for the Iranian

people. I see many parraels with their struggle for

independence and our own against (((them))).


How can the birth place of Zoroastrianism be treated

with such disrespect? It is infuriating.


""Please come quickley Extra-Terestrial brothers and sisters, Deliver us

the Zeropoint we need to free ourselves from the Petro-mafia and

free our people."" In His name I pray.

