Fiona hill sounds like a fake name.
Capital hill.
Finally derives from an element meaning "vine"
Story breaks with sinkhole, o wiring closet.
Brings o wiretapping potus to a whole new level.
Fiona hill sounds like a fake name.
Capital hill.
Finally derives from an element meaning "vine"
Story breaks with sinkhole, o wiring closet.
Brings o wiretapping potus to a whole new level.
Sinkholing is the redirection of traffic from its original destination to one specified by the sinkhole owners. The altered destination is known as the sinkhole. (The name is a reference to a physical sinkhole, into which items apparently disappear.)
What if there was another type of mole, a digital mole, hidden in this underground o wiring closet. Routing all wh comms to a nearby house o and vj live in 2 miles from wh? Read the sinkhole article link on drudge. The sinkhole story is messaging it has been discovered. Mentions coverup. Could mean we are late in the game, happenings!
Fiona hill sounds like a fake name.
Capital hill.
Fiona derives from an element meaning "vine"
Story breaks with sinkhole, o wiring closet.
Brings o wiretapping potus to a whole new level.