Anonymous ID: cf05b6 May 22, 2018, 5:08 p.m. No.1511288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1369

(replying to last bread)



Why are the jews being saved for last?


If you cut of the head of the hydra it just grows another.


You must starts at the bottom of the pyramid of the cabal, and work your way up to the top. Only when the controllers have been cut from all their soldiers can you take them out.




Yeah I still use opera/brave on mobile. mobile brave isn't as bad as desktop one and opera for anything brave can't handle. not super concerned is china spies on me, I don't fall under their jurisdiction and they don't have agreements with my own government. They already identity theft-ed me and stole my personal web domain, so these days I just lay low.




Cabal often pushes two competing views to further their agenda, i.e.:


Propaganda religion vs atheism to hide real divine truth (god is within and everywhere, not invisible bearded sky man watching you masterbate)


or that republicans or democrats are the answer


or that capitalism (corporate free for all) or socialism (central control of all) are the only choices.


FALSE DICHOTOMY is one of the cabols OLDEST tricks, it is their way of division faging, and hiding the truth by making people dig in so deep to point A or point B because 'the other side is wrong' that NOONE even wants to consider or talk about options c d e f or g.


Also, for those doubting the ET connection, why would this news article be suppressed and classified for 33 years?


Look at the meta data on this, declassified under obama, but not actually released until trump took office.


Why would obama slow walk this?


look at the classification code. Why would this article be considered "classified information under an Executive Order in the interest of national defense or foreign policy."

Anonymous ID: cf05b6 May 22, 2018, 5:25 p.m. No.1511462   🗄️.is 🔗kun


stopped taking pharmaceuticals that could have given me hallucinogenic side effects, and lived a good spiritual life (as the other anon who replied to you said) then a saw a ted talk by a stage magician who was talking about how he learned to do stage illusions, like many other magicians he started by reading up on 'real magic' and gave it a shot, and it worked. So challenged those viewing the video to do the same, so I did a few sigils and tried casting a spell.


has strange 'hallucination' unlike any other I had ever had before that explained the life, the universe, and everything.


went to my (state appointed & paid for veterans admin approved) shrink and told her about it, confused since I had never had hallucinations that where not cause by a pill, drugs, or sleep deprivation before. also it was 'different' than other hallucinations in past. talked to her in depth about the experience cause I was worried i was going to start having spontaneous hallucinations all the time and it might be dangerous to me.


She said no, was not hallucination, and my therapist started red pilling me on alien CE-5 contact and said it was 'normal' for 'veterans in my region' but not to discuss with public until 2028 because 'not ready to know yet'


more info here: