>Gonna go crawl into me ol fart sack (sleeping bag)
Drink a six pack of cheap beer first.
The morning will be glorious, and you'll have all the smells to yourself.
>Gonna go crawl into me ol fart sack (sleeping bag)
Drink a six pack of cheap beer first.
The morning will be glorious, and you'll have all the smells to yourself.
>Anon normally works the night shift but off werk tonight so looks like you fags are stuck with me
>>15112447 Federal Judge Rejects DOD Claim That Pfizer EUA and Comirnaty Vaccines Are ‘Interchangeable’
Notable AF
>I bought a 25ft power (small) yacht, what’s the best towing vehicle?
How much does it weigh with trailer? What is the trailer rated for?
You need to know that to follow the 'regulations' that Trump was fond of eliminating.
Once you pass 26k combined capacity in trailer and vehicle rate, or have a trailer rated over 10k, you're supposed to have a CDL.
If the gross weights and combined gross weight ratings work out, a 7.3 Excursion doesn't sound horrible.
Could probably pick one up a lot cheaper than a pickup these days. Prices are crazy on anything "productive".
I don't care if you have a headache, dear.
>It's more like my soul feels like it's being held above a giant vat of the blackest ink
Have you tried the /r/emo support group?
Being anon isn't for everyone, and you played the headache card one too many times.
>I didn’t know you could unfilter..
Anon learned how to unfilter after doing comment filter on a fat alcoholic paytriot.
After Q called him out by name, notables disappeared and life sucked until anon figured out what habbened.
>what happened?
Corsi shills were worse than Lin shills today.
Anon comment filtered "corsi"
Q decided to shitpost about corsi.
Poof…notables and Q posts went away.
Anon unfiltered, and life went back to normal with Corsi shills still being butthurt.