Deeper. Think NGOs, foundations, initiatives, CEOs, governments, and MSM mouthpieces pushing it all. Taking your money to front whateva they selling and spreading it all back to one another. It's all connected. It's a big club, and (you) ain't in it.
And what would it take to do such a thing on a worldwide scale as to usher in a great reset? Coordination between corperations, governments, relegiuos organizations, personal piggy bank foundations. And yes, you have the people and groups (associates who can be a "made" mob member by being pure evil and capture it on film of course) who all tag along to be like the elite (worldwide organized crime.)
See, you're thinking too small. Just associates.
MSMcan push anything.
Just yesterday, Biden quietly put a stop to federal employee mandates. You might have something there, but that danged monkey and his wrench. You know.