Anonymous ID: 9f6309 Nov. 30, 2021, 10:17 p.m. No.15112292   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you may have this but can't hurt to share in case.

one embedded

but there is a shorter 11min. here

Anonymous ID: 9f6309 Nov. 30, 2021, 10:36 p.m. No.15112336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2360 >>2411


Strange timing decades later when there are deep underground disposal sites operating

for quite some time now.

So what's the major step?

Sounds like a pandering renewed issue for cash funneling.

Anonymous ID: 9f6309 Nov. 30, 2021, 10:42 p.m. No.15112349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2354


Or close people you've warned since 2019 deftly avoiding the topic or refusing to admit you were

right even after all the evidence that has transpired.

Amazing times we live in.

Anonymous ID: 9f6309 Nov. 30, 2021, 11:39 p.m. No.15112458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2464


you have no idea how long i've been here or how very little I even look at reddit.

if something this petty bothers you…the path is long…take breaks…unplug.

asymmetric methods.

luv u anon

Anonymous ID: 9f6309 Nov. 30, 2021, 11:50 p.m. No.15112481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2493


it's good you are asking questions but think outside the box. ask many questions still but different perhaps.

someone has usually done the work. (re)search.

has anyone gone contrary to the general explanation?

are things always as they seem?

have you been lied to about a great number of things your whole life?

sorting through this personally will be the reward within itself. the journey is yours.

if you stop at the easy quick microwave society answer, you do a disservice to yourself and by extension, society.

happy hunting anon!