Anonymous ID: 728955 Dec. 1, 2021, 1:38 p.m. No.15116006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6066

I said the Perfect Paradox is the Perfect Pair of Socks.

Since I was seven or so, I've worn one white sock and

one black sock. Still am.



Lke being the worlds smartest retard


Jesus Christ said I came forth from the Equality

and The All has come forth from me, and to me the

All has reached.


right now this vers in Rev reads

I am the root and the offspring of

David, and the bright and Morning Star

but I know originally it said Bright and Early Morning Star.

I think it said offspring or stem of Jesse and Root of David

originally as well but I don't remember this one word for word.


But I was looking at this paradox.

Wise fool

sinful Chrisian

lustful Husband

disobedient Servant

You can't be Holy without being Hollow

They call Immanuel the Restorer of the Breech.

There are teachings on this. Lets go through them


I came to make the things below like the things above, and the things outside like those inside. I came to unite them in the place.


>>Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles, 555 chapters removed from the book of Acts




pressed in the name of the cross; O nature of man,

which cannot be separated; O ineffable and insep-

arable love, which cannot be shown by impure

lips ; ^^ I now apprehend thee,^*^ who is standing

at the end of his earthly career. I will make thee

known, as thou art.^*^ I will not hide from me the

mystery of the cross once closed and hidden to my

soul.^^ Ye, who hope in Christ, ^2 think not this

to be a cross which is visible; for entirely different

from that which is visible is this (suffering) in

conformity with the suffering of Christ. And now

especially, since you, who can hear, can (hear it)

from me, who is in the last and parting hour of his

life, listen: Keep your souls from everything which

you can perceive with the senses, from all that seems

to be, and is not in reality.^^ Close these your

eyes, shut these your ears;^^ <keep from you^^

the things (which are without). And you shall

perceive what took place with Christ and the whole

mystery of your salvation.^^ But the hour (has

come) for thee, Peter, to deliver thy body to the


And ye shall know, that the mystery of

salvation is brought about in Christ through the cross. — The

Coptic : And know what took place with Christ and perceive

the whole mystery of your salvation.





bailiffs/^'^ Take it, whose business it is.^^ Of you,

executioners, I ask to '''^ crucify me with the head

downward, and not otherwise. ^"^^^ And the reason

I shall explain to the hearers." ^^^


  1. (9) Having- done as he wished, he began

again: ^"^ "Ye men, whose calling it is to hear,

listen W'hat I, being suspended, am about to tell you

just now. Understand the mystery of the whole

creation and the beginning of all things, as it was.

For the first man whose image I bear, thrown

downward with the head, showed a generation

which did not formerly exist; ^^^ for it was dead,

having no motion. Having been drawn down ^°'*

who cast his origin upon the earth, he established

the whole of the arrangement, ^"^^ suspended it after

the manner of the calling, whereby he showed the

right as the left and the left as the right, and

changed all signs of nature, to behold the ugly as

beautiful and the really bad as good. On this the

Lord says in a mystery : ^^^ " Unless ye make the

right as the left, and the left as the right, and the

top as the bottom and the front as the backward,




ye shall not know the Kingdom (of heaven)." ^^'^

This intelhgence I brought to you, and the manner

of my suspension is the illustration of that man who

was first made. Ye, my beloved, who now hear

it and shall hear it,^°^ you must desist from the

first error and return again. For it was fitting to

come to the cross of Christ, who is the extended

word, the one and only one, concerning which the

Spirit ^'^^ says : For what else is Christ than the

Word, sound of God? "^ That this wood standing

erect, on which I am crucified, be Word ; the sound,

however, is the crossbeam (namely, the) nature

of man ; and the nail which on the erect wood holds

the crossbeam in the middle is the conversion and

repentance of man.


  1. (10) " Since ^^^ thou hast made this known

and revealed unto me, O Word (of life), which

has now been called by me wood of life,"^ I thank

thee, not with these lips which are nailed, neither

with this tongue, through which comes forth truth

and falsehood, also not with this wood, which is

produced by the skill of earthly nature, but I thank

thee, O King,^^^ with that voice which is heard

Anonymous ID: 728955 Dec. 1, 2021, 1:46 p.m. No.15116066   🗄️.is 🔗kun




through silence, ^^* which is not heard by all, which

comes not through the organs of the body, which

enters not in the world and sounds not upon earth,

which is also not written in books, which is also

not heard by the one, nor by the other,^^^ but with

this (voice), Jesus Christ,^^^ I thank thee: with

the silence of the ^^^ voice which the Spirit meets

within me, who loves thee, speaks with thee, and

sees thee. Thou art knowable only according to

the Spirit. Thou art to me, father, mother, broth-

er, friend, servant, steward. Thou (art) all, and

all (is) in thee; and thou (art) the existence, and

there is nothing that is, besides thee. To him,

brethren, flee you also, and learn that your exis-

tence is in him alone, and you shall then obtain that

of which he said to you : " Eye hath not seen, nor

ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of

man." ^^^ We now ask (of thee) undefiled Je-

sus/^^ what thou hast promised us ^^^ to give; we

praise thee, we thank thee, we confess thee, in glori-

fying thee, though we are weak, because thou alone

art God,^-^ and none other, to whom be glory ^^^

now and for ever. Amen."




  1. (11) When the surrounding multitude cried

aloud ^2^ the Amen, Peter, during this Amen, gave

up his ghost to the Lord. ^2^. When Marcellus saw

that the blessed Peter had given up his ghost, with-

out communicating with anyone, which were also

impossible, he took him down from the cross with

his own hands, and bathed him in milk and wine.

And he broke seven pounds of mastic and other

fifty pounds of myrrh and clove and spice and

anointed his body, and filled a very costly trough

of stone with Attic honey and buried him in his

own tomb. And Peter came to Marcellus by night,

and said, " Marcellus didst thou not hear the Lord

say, ' Let the dead be buried by their own dead?

When Marcellus said, " Yea," Peter said to him,

" What thou didst spend on the dead is lost. For,

though living, thou didst care like a dead for the

dead." When Marcellus awoke, he narrated the

appearance of Peter ^^^ to the brethren, and he was

with those who had been strengthened by Peter in

the faith on Christ, strengthening himself now the

more till the arrival of Paul at Rome.^^*^


Peter told the romans that if they crucified him upsidown

he would tell them why after they did it. And used the

experience to drop an ineffibly Based and unfathomably

Red Pill.


But back to the paradoxs.