Anonymous ID: a5db0d May 22, 2018, 5:56 p.m. No.1511785   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>11602824 (/pol/ board)

Pastor says Live on TV that Anti Christ will Be a Gay Jew run by AI


He doesn't give a shit whether you agree with him or not.

Anonymous ID: a5db0d May 22, 2018, 6:17 p.m. No.1512023   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That's why we see this:


Did Trump Steal ‘Drain The Swamp’ From Nancy Pelosi?! [VIDEO]


President Donald Trump stole “drain the swamp” from her 2006 election campaign, California Democrat Nancy Pelosi claims. But did he?


Pelosi used the phrase first during her 2006 election campaign, promising she would drain the GOP swamp under President George W. Bush. But While it’s true Pelosi used it first, it’s unlikely Trump stole it from her — Pelosi was far from being the first to use the phrase.


President Ronald Reagan called to “drain the swamp of over-taxation, over-regulation and runaway inflation that has dangerously eroded our free way of life” on his first anniversary in office. “Don’t let the Washington whirl or the Washington morass let you lose sight of why we came here and what it is that we’re all trying to do,” Reagan said.


Jack Kemp, President George H.W. Bush’s secretary of Housing and Urban Development, also vowed to “drain the swamp.” Conservative commentator George Will used the phrase in a 1994 column comparing congressmen to crocodiles. “The objective of this war must be to make it impossible or intolerable for any state to harbor, protect or aid and abet terrorists. The point is not to swat every mosquito but to drain the swamp,”Columnist Charles Krauthammer wrote. Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell used the phrase several times in a 2004 9/11 Commission hearing.


Prior to all those uses, however, was that of the American socialists, who promised to “drain the swamp” as early as 1912.


So who owns the phrase? Most likely those who have actually done the most to drain the swamp. In that arena, Reagan and Trump have a leg up on Pelosi. Reagan drained entire regulatory agencies during his administration, and Trump has stayed true to his policy of repealing at least two regulations for each new one.


In his first year in office, Trump sliced regulations at nearly double the rate of President Bush and more than triple the rate of President Obama. Pelosi, however, has done little to cut back regulatory creeps and was instrumental in pushing Obamacare.

Anonymous ID: a5db0d May 22, 2018, 6:30 p.m. No.1512167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2422

EPA blocks CNN and Associated Press journalists from attending Pruitt speech


The Environmental Protection Agency blocked reporters from several news outlets from a national summit on Tuesday where Scott Pruitt, the agency's chief, was speaking.


Journalists from CNN, the Associated Press and E&E News, a publication that covers energy and environment issues, were barred by the EPA from entering the event, which was focused on harmful chemicals in water. A handful of other reporters from other news organizations, however, were allowed inside the event for Pruitt's opening remarks after having been previously invited by the agency the day before.


In a statement, Jahan Wilcox, an EPA spokesman, said the agency barred reporters from attending due to space limitations inside the venue. He said the EPA was able to accommodate only 10 reporters and that it provided a livestream "for those we could not accommodate."


"This was simply an issue of the room reaching capacity, which reporters were aware of prior to the event," Wilcox said.


A report published by The Hill, however, said a handful of seats in the press section remained vacant by the time Pruitt began speaking. Another reporter told Politico there were dozens of empty seats in the room, and a photo obtained by CNN also showed space for cameras.

Anonymous ID: a5db0d May 22, 2018, 6:38 p.m. No.1512249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2263



Quantum Computing For Global Surveillance Exposed – What You Need to Know!

Anonymous ID: a5db0d May 22, 2018, 6:58 p.m. No.1512495   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A former CIA officer who was imprisoned for leaking classified information to journalists said he was initially was cleared of charges until Obama-era CIA Director John Brennan got involved.


John Kiriakou said he had "no idea" he was under investigation in 2007 for sharing details of terrorists' interrogations to journalists.


Kiriakou said his story should be relevant to President Donald Trump, who is dealing with the same officials in his Russia probe as Kiriakou did.


"In 2007, the Bush administration investigated me and determined I hadn't committed a crime," he said.


However, Kiriakou said that once President Obama took power in 2009, a series of memos showed that Brennan asked Attorney General Eric Holder to reopen his case.