TY PF Baker
No, that's just ebot on a new bender.
BV 8bit will see it and get big mad costing e 1 of his 10,000 IP addys.
Yeah, she has a cameo on DOOL.
But, the testimony stuff with Matt was about some reality show from years back that was filmed at her house.
DayShift is getting better while NightShift is getting worse.
The Great Homogenization has begun.
>t. OmniShfter
Some of the Day Shift diggs found the info for that.
I glossed over the specifics, but yeah, she was mostly known for that reality show.
And that's not saying much since it apparently wasn't that popular.
You said lyrics - I looked at them and they're pretty bubblegum.
>reads article you posted
But, for some reason the "You're gay by the way" wasn't in the Genius version of them.
Dawnshift is Swordy Shift.
It's still in a unique class of its own separate from Day Shift in general.
It's where Deep Dark Night Shift meets the Bible Fags waiting to start another day of non-stop bickering.
It's also the shift with the worst sense of humor, but they are finally lightening up a bit.
Wow, you're quite the psycho.
I said the lyrics in the Genius version did not contain the You're Gay section like your copypasta article did.
Had they been in there I wouldn't have questioned why you said she was being homophobic in the past.
Kinda hard to have Board/Baker Wars when very few want to Bake these days.
Which is all a function of the post Jan. 6/20 world of QR which is totally different now that Trump is no longer POTUS.
It's a big fan club.
Even after many realized he's also Clown In A Phone Booth Anon which isn't as popular.
Rogan is the one to call for all the other FameFags that catch it.
Fuck what Faux-Xi has to say, let's call Joe instead.
Yeah, I'm pretty much at the results or just stfu already stage.
The 2022 mid-terms are now less than a year away so unless shit gets moving fast what's to stop 2020 ver. 2 fuckery from happening again.
Oh, you mean earlier when the Board Borkery made it look like an E-Bake was needed because the OP's took 5 minutes to show up?
So, those of us Anons that have no issue with throwing up an E but not doing the Notetaking part fired off some breads.
Then, when the dust settled there still wasn't a Baker/Notetaker until 500 or so.
The most consistent Notables are the ones that say TBC.
Yeah, 13, quite the sight.
Look, the hardcore is as hardcore as ever seeing things through until the end no matter what that ends up being.
And anyone reading this right now is hardcore wanna be in the foxhole with them types.
My point is the overall numbers are down since then and it's not a small %.
Also, the traditional way of digging/notetaking is no longer what it used to be.
Windy liked this post.
There's an element of past board denizens succumbing to Blackpilled fatigue.
And also the energy to digg gets blunted when they end up in some inbox of things to habben in 2 moar weeks.
It's just human nature - was merely noticing it moreso than being all oh woe is me about it.
kek bee n awhile since I've seen that