The one and only thing that keeps that from happening in America are 197 million gun owners.
The one and only thing that keeps that from happening in America are 197 million gun owners.
Gorgon Ramsay, eat you heart out.
Would have been better in cast iron, but I would have eaten it.
It's jewy in here tonight anon's. Has a hint of PANIC, kek!
← More good news. The jews are taking the jew death shot and are starting to drop like flies.
They have to play the victim, ESPECIALLY when they victimize themselves.
That is just their MO, anon.
If you haven't noticed, Internet lawyers are complete shit, and if they knew what they were doing, they would be busy with their own cases, and not posting on twitter or mugging it up on youtube.
That being said JEWS CONTROL everything, and what a shock that they may throw a case in favor of the jew defendant.
Classic posting. The best part is that at least half are normies.
Not if you use your brain.
>Not in courtroom.
>Talking points from anonymous people in court.
Ever hear of hearsay?
Asking for a friend.
Try zinc supplements. I had Covid, too, and I lost my taste and smell. A neighbor MD of mine told me that the body will consume zinc to fight the illness.
Long story short. Took zinc for a few days and was back to normal.
You are such a clever little jew.
Maybe you can ask your rabbi to nibble the remaining bit of foreskin from your tiny schmekle as a reward.
← for you. LMAO!
I would be happy to do that Pig, but as long as they are fighting for ZOG, no can do.
Yup. They literally did it to themselves. I think that they thought that they were getting the saline. Oh, well.
As long as they fight and die for the enemy, that is where I stand, cat.