Oh, we know (((they))) are scared..
>>15119920 ← Kikes whining about BV
Either bake or get the fuck out of the way..
Game over kikes.
No more "ghosting" breads, no more "ebakes" with no notables. You nigger fucking kikes are here everyday, all day, least you could do is bake properly.
If I was BV I'd ban every single last one of you kike niggers.
Wife's mother had cancer. She recovered but still pretty sick. They forced her to get the vaccine to keep getting treatment.
Cancer immediately came back.
She says it was either dying from not getting treatment, or taking a chance on the vaccine.
Not much of a choice.
You don't get it, you are powerless here. However, the bake will be proper as long as I am here. So get to work kikes, you don't want me to have to do this myself.
Totally agree, I tried to tell her to try an aggressive juicing diet. She's an old woman who hunted all of her life, her grandparents homesteaded way up in the Rockies.
But alas like my cowboys, they hooked them on cigarettes. Marlboro man? Targeted the ranchers..
So she smoked a pack a day (at least) up until she got really sick,