How the Jews turned Christmas into a Jewish holiday where they make fun of, and make money off of, the Goyim
Santa, Inc.
How the Jews turned Christmas into a Jewish holiday where they make fun of, and make money off of, the Goyim
Santa, Inc.
Once you get the shot, you will need endless boosters for the rest of your life.
There is a disease in the shot. Don't get the shot.
I know a lot of Catholic people who are really nice, good people. But when I hear about the Micky Mouse things they believe and do, it is beyond me how they cannot see thru the ruse.
They haven't really thought things thru, they are just going along with the Catholic traditions. Going thru the motions.
Your POTUS is Catholic.
>See where this goes
The system is rotten to the core and FUBAR.
He had to jump thru all of the legal hoops to show how fucked up the legal/judicial system is.
Law & Order indeed. The laws are made by the rich, for the rich. A revolving door for NWO criminals. And otherwise law abiding Patriots criminalized. Traitors accusing Patriots of being traitors. Blatant election fraud that no legal channels have been able to fix because the legal system is corrupt. DAs, States Attys., Politicians, Mayors, Police Chiefs, etc. all bought off, bribed and/or blackmailed.
"Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment, with a new government controlled by you the American people. The Washington establishment and the financial and media corporations that fund it exist for only one reason, to protect and enrich itself. The establishment has trillions of dollars at stake. . ."
How many Catholic people do you know who are Democrats?
Democrats support abortion.
Catholic people don't think things thru. They have been brainwashed by the Catholic Church.
The Catholic Church is a cult.
The Catholic church does not want people to read the Bible. The Catholic church wants people to blindly follow their edicts.
Supported by people who have private security and body guards.
All Communists promoting the Communist agenda.
He mentions Soros's hand picked DAs in San Francisco and LA.
I thought it was verboten to mention Soros on FOX?
It is being done "By the Book" to show that the Book is flawed.
Once they get away with rigging the elections, the people no longer have a "legal" voice.
Voting in rigged elections just perpetuates the Illusion of Choice.
Because if he lays it out plainly, the MSM will brand him as a traitor. That is why he speaks in coded messages. The Cabal speaks in coded messages too. Learn to code.
It's called cultural appropriation, if White people do it.