In the renewed world of mask mandates here in the UK, I caught a bus into town, went to the bank, bought some Christmas cards, bought a new pair of shoes and caught the bus back home..
All without wearing a mask! No one asked me to put one on, no one questioned me etc. Why? Shops cannot mandate them. A mandate isn't Law. And if you're exempt you don't have to wear them.
Not just me mind you, saw many other people not wearing them which I thought was a good sign.
No 'covid marshalls', as if they have any authority, no police telling people to put them on etc which makes me think that all the stuff we see on the fake news is nothing more than a set piece designed to be broadcast to create the illusion of 'it's happening everywhere' when perhaps it isn't. Unless a news camera is present.
If people want to wear them then fine by me. If people don't want to wear them then fine by me. Everyone can get on with their knowing that they're comfortable..