Weird how Sgt. B was posting last night and now the retard patrol is spamming again.
Anons - do you prefer I ban & delete Sgt. B and his retard crew or just ban them. Makes no difference to me.
>i'd prefer they be force fed buckets of zyklon b but that's just me
The breads look nicer without their bullshit, but if I only ban, they can't act like I gassed them for no reason.
How ya been, doge?
Still deleting 66 Million spammers, takes up too many posts.
He's my favorite shill.
GB is a true psychopath. 100% Jewish schizophrenia on display.
>How's that gun charge?
Oh, lol, we are back to me being Austin again? That was a fun game. Proceed, after switching IPs again.
We are gonna DP you, the way you like.