You're like this hot Italian girl I knew back in the day.
Had everything anyone could ever want except for that damn mustache.
Old Glowie kinda looks like a mustache if you step back for enough.
You're like this hot Italian girl I knew back in the day.
Had everything anyone could ever want except for that damn mustache.
Old Glowie kinda looks like a mustache if you step back for enough.
All you Board Jews posting up Muh Banned! caps like they're some kinda badge of honor.
Post up a Fungus Got Me! one from 2018 and I'll be impressed.
>maybe the fact that Trump fucking QUIT?
Yeah, that's a tough one.
He did let the transition take place even tho he was obvious is obvious cheated out of a win.
But, is going along with what the Constitutional processes dictate even when prolly compd considered quitting?
kek yeah that one has an 8bit did it look to it
You talking about CBTS and the name is on this list?
I thought 8 was a BV along with Fungus and someone else who's name I forget back then.
Because that reason sure looks like one only he would use.
Yeah, it was fuzzy for me too since everything went down so fast and Q was a much bigger focus than Board Wars at the time.
I just 'member that 8 kept Fungus as BV afterwards only to fire ~~him~~ ~~her~~ it after Anons bitched-n-moaned for months.
Aww, Doge, you were just an innocent pawn swept up in 8 & OSS' competition to see who can get the most scalps.
>we've come a long way baby
Yeah, QR 2021 and QR 2018 are world's apart in so many ways.
Seems like a decade ago at least.
No shit.
You're supposed to have a tag team partner call you one.
That's how LARPwood does it.
So, in other words, 2 moar weeks?
I don't think I do, but I'm sure someone else prolly does.
Format wise they look the same.
Content wise there would be these things called diggs in the Notes and no newsbot entries as that was considered blasphemy at the time.
Both BVs have brought the banhammer back out recently.
So, a whole new round of martyrdom is taking place in the aftermath.
'Dasting af.
>compared to stockpiles the overall amounts of lost or stolen explosives are minuscule
Yeah, we have 100 billion of them and only 100 million were stolen.
No biggie carry on.
Ban & Keep with those kekaliciousBRTmessages at the bottom of their posts.
I've been saying for a while now that is the ultimate defense against gatekept/compd/sloppy/lazy Notables.
Nothing (except images) gets past
Nice - that's what I'm talking about.
He & Pig have teamed up to become the Fusion Brothers.
The memes were unleashed on the Night Shift audience last night.
>one of the archive sites had images but went kaput…
Not that it matters now, but which one was that?
I don't recall that Wish List #1 ever habbening.
>seent it twice, not notable
Oh yeah.
Piranha Anons would strike hard whenever that occurred.
QR 2021 has the same thing get posted 50 times per bread (especially breaking news) and nobody says a thing.
Nice Archive Offline (well, elsewhere, but you get the drift), Anon o7
Doge, what is the deal with you and Old Glowie lover (assuming 2 diff people)?
Either you're LARPing as Kill All Jews or just like fucking with a BV that should be your fren.
Yeah, that was another one where many kept saying "Uh, we don't have to do that no more" but habit persisted for months afterwards.
Same pic different angle.
>sometimes anon gets lucky with that one
I admire your persistence.
My default personality is to throw the game board on the floor and reeeeeee!
Always having to work on that.
Tyrell, it's so good to see you fearlessly mocking the site owner on QResearch.