We will revolt if we aren't allowed to abort the babies!
We will revolt if people won't force vaxxx their children!
Death cult
sounds different today…does he have COLD?
the "plan"
booster shots to all eligible adults to make things [stronger]
100 million are eligible
Vaccinate children 5 and up
100s of family vaxxx clinics
One Stop Vaxxx
[jew parents keep asking Joe the his vaxxx will be ready to force on their kids at hannakka events]
Free at home testing
under DPA
Care for those who get sick with covid 19- Surge Response Reams- SRT- will expand to 60 teams; new medications by "real doctors" not conspiracy theorists";
antiviral pills on the horizon;
go to the source of the pandemic… and vaxxxinate the rest of the world…accellerate the delivery of vaxxxes, 200 million more doses in next 100 days, to deliver 1,200,000,000 to world- Americans will get vaxxxed first-not to worry-