I tell you, knowing their work, nothing is missing in their words, not even making the Creator detestable for creating woman so she could be a trap for man, whereas she is his reward, his honor and a gift from God.
(10) The scriptures also says that man will become attached to his wife and that they will become together only one flesh. That, is because when Adam and Eve are tied by the bonds of love, it establishes between them the communion of their being, which is the marriage of their bodies and of their hearts. It is then that they become one. But you that still believe that the original sin is a sin of the flesh, did you read anywhere in the Scripture where God punishes Adam and Eve for having known each other? No, the original sin is not due to the act of flesh, but to the disobedience of man towards his Creator who had forbidden him of eating from the tree of the knowledge.
(11) The form which this sin took in your minds is due to the perverse mind of the religious leaders who can’t stop seeing the woman as corrupted because of Eve who was seduced by the snake. Fearing then of being soiled by women, not only do they denigrate and repel them, but still they’ve managed to make the whole world believe that the original sin was due to the physical union of man a and his wife! They put that lie in your head to make you feel guilty, so they could reign over you; and what results from it is infamous! I tell you, knowing their work, nothing is missing in their words, not even making the Creator detestable for creating woman so she could be a trap for man, whereas she is his reward, his honor and a gift from God. With the scientists, who make you believe that you are the children of chaos and evolving monkeys, these whitewashed tombs are your worst enemies because, them, add that children have always been born from sin.
from : https://www.thebookoflife.eu/fulfilment-of-the-scriptures/the-bases-of-knowledge.php