Oy Vey!!!
Stop telling the truth about jews, goyim!
Oy Vey!!!
Stop telling the truth about jews, goyim!
Jews took this away from you GOYIM.
Also, in 1939 the dollar was worth a lot more.
You allowed the jews to debase the money, open borders, and turn society into what it is today.
Wake the fuck up, assholes.
The jews are destroying you and all you can do is make excuses!
The next time you son or daughter is completely mind-fucked by the jews, thank the boomers.
They allowed the jews to amass this much power.
You are a filthy jew that needs to be hung in the public square.
Many did. They were murdered by the jews.
Eat a dick, boomer asshole.
You are worse than the jews.
Filthy jews and boomers.
Is there really any difference?
I didn't think so. Both groups are nation destroyers.
That's because you are a STUPID BOOMER that needs to die.
He was against the JEWISH FEDERAL RESERVE, too, and they murdered his son.
One and the same. I agree. Without the boomers the jews would be ashes in an ashtray.
It is an historical fact. Don't expect it to be taught in our JEW CONTROLLED schools anytime soon.
You anti-semite! kek.
Sephardic jew vs. european jew. An age old war, my friend.
I bought a shitload of these as Christmas gifts for friends and family. I got the sweater with the hoodie. The best part is that, on the back, it says STAFF.
A nice stocking stuffer, if you ask me.
Pretty much. You can't make this stuff up.
When the goyim wake up, which is happening.
Soon, it will be publicly acceptable to whip jews in the streets. After which, it will be considered acceptable to slit their fucking throats.
At that point, we will know we are making real progress.
I know when the jews took control. The silent generation did all they could to warn the BOOMERS. Then the BOOMERS sold the fuck out.
Read history, asshole.
In the 1980's when they started throwing the silent generation under the bus, forced them to retire, so you BOOMER JEWISH greed could prevail.
Can't help it anon. Sorry. :)
Many of them knew. This is why Patton wanted to go after the commie jews in Russia, and why he was killed shortly thereafter.
Dream on, jewboy.
Not made up at all JEWBOY. You know it, I know it, the rest of the goyim know it.
You and your kind are afraid. I can see why. You are about to be hunted down, and no one will care when you cry "ANTISEMITE!!!!"
In fact, they will laugh and kick you in the face.
You say that I sound more like a jew than you, and then you head off into debauched jew sexual depravity about jerking off, etc. The only thing you left out was scat, but given your blood pressure for being discovered as the sick, twisted jew kike you are, you typed too quickly.
Your days are numbered. We Goyim outnumber you cunts many thousands to one.
Chew on that nut, jew.
Fuck off jew. You are fooling NO ONE.
We know your JIDF tricks.
>boomers were busy SELLING AMERICA TO THEIR JEW MASTERS, and SELLING OUT FUTURE GENERATIONS FOR THEIR GREED, LETTING THE JEWISH TV RAISE THEIR KIDS, while TAKING CREDIT FOR EVERYTHING THE SILENT GENERATION DID, and DOING COKE, and having SWINGER PARTIES, etc., etc., etc., while letting their jew masters open the borders and implement the jewish police state we all enjoy!
Blah, blah, blah, jewish threats, something or otherโฆ
Your JEWBOY tricks don't work anymore jew.
And your days are numbered.
Cry on your rabbi's shoulder.
The boomers still don't care. They sold their children, grand children, etc., into JEW SLAVERY and they will defend it to their dying breath.
Worse than talking to a jew.
Of course. We have to live in this JEWISH DYSTOPIA that they helped the jews create.
They live in the BOOMER BUBBLE, which prevents them from dealing with any of the messes that they created.
Meanwhile, their children are being raped by NIGGERS, and they apologize to the rapist.
More jewish bullshit science.
Take the equation for black holes, plug in zero, and you will see what real physicists have known since before the jews took control over science.