Twitter is home to blowhards and commies….quoting them is ghey
Government spooks
I was wondering how “Joy” became black peoples mouthpiece?
What’s the difference between a fag and a refrigerator?
A refrigerator doesn’t fart when you pull the meat out
My great grandmother who lived to be 105, knew Prescott Bush, said he was biggest con man she ever met, he tried to buy her farm that sits on one of the biggest pools of oil in OK, when she said no he tried to have local government evict her, when that failed he flooded the area
Kek….all the “jobs” Obama, Trump and now Biden have “created” is a Jew joke
They would be knocking on peoples doors looking for able bodies to fill all these “jobs”
The elite must use a different definition of “job”….is drug dealer a “job”…how about junkie? Is that a “job”
When “women” like Kamala are given a job they didn’t earn, they become unbelievable cunts….happens a lot in government
NJ has a lot of skeletons to cover up……kek…..lots of incest….and I mean lots!