Anonymous ID: ec3671 Dec. 3, 2021, 1:12 p.m. No.15129519   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9827

'Large Portion' of Oil Tapped from Strategic Reserves by Biden Will Go to China, India


As Bloomberg reported, a "large portion" of the 50 million barrels being released would likely go to China and India. According to traders, that's because the released supplies "consist of sour crude, a type of oil that U.S. refiners are shunning due to its high sulfur content, which makes it more expensive to process." Foreign buyers, on the other hand, don't mind paying less for lower-quality oil.


So, Biden is tapping into the nation's strategic reserve and touting his decision as a move to help alleviate some of the pain Americans are experiencing at the gas pump, but rather than releasing all the taxpayer-bought oil into the U.S. supply, he's sending a "large portion" of the release to other countries, including America's foe, China. It seems unlikely that strategic stockpiles created for use in emergencies were intended to be sent to other countries.


As even some on the left pointed out, Biden — who's staked part of his presidency on "going green" — releasing oil to two countries that are among the world's worst polluters does little to encourage other nations to be more efficient. And it also makes Biden's war on fossil fuels here at home more hypocritical.


potato gave our oil away

to the high pollutin