>>15131100 lb
English faggot heard from.
Freaking homo.
Dummies just hung themselves.
Time to lose, clown.
and the return of small business destroyed by the shutdowns.
Looks like America is 97% white supremacist. Im cool with that.
Is his name Alec?
I still want to see that guy kick Creepy's ass.
also flew 17 combat missions in Korea.
The demoncrats' "people."
People make their own destiny. The mystery of free will.
If Jane's testimony is accepted as true, the jury will send Jizzy away for years. If there's more, and it seems there's a lot more, she'll never get out.
Unfortunately, the Germans, Austrians and Aus have no history of violent revolution. Watch France and Spain though. Italy too.
Ive been around a lot if vaxed people recently and frankly, they don't look or act right. Slow, zombified. These are tv sports watchers. But worse than usual.
I tried it. Once.
/THEY/ want to kill the future too. I feel that the illnesses and deaths we are seeing now are one part of vaccine problems, but there will also be sterility, as we are already seeing pregnancy problems.
If there were only that many humans, nature would TAKE OVER. Remember the first part of the plandemic, when animals were taking over towns everywhere? kek
High-Ranking Baker Girl
Once peeps start going to the Dr every 5 mins, they get addicted, damaged, and die early. Thats what many Drs do these days.
Qr might be subsumed into TMTG.
Accumulate and hold for at least 1 year.