and what did they actually do, buy their kid a gun, is that a crime?
if this is a clown op it is a stupid one. If it is not a clown op do you blame the parents for avoiding the illegal gestapo police forces. Sure there kid blasted up a school but why are they getting punished do the black parents get arrested when their kids do fucked up shit or the antifa kids. Sees fucked up. I mean if the parents told the kid to kill the kids and how and who and all that perhaps. BUt there has been nothing indicating that yet. If they just want to nail them on being shitty parents well like i said all those single black moms better end up in jail.
i would agree total distraction. Most likely a therapist involved as well. Not saying all therapists are bad but i think when we see cases like this the therapist is most likely programming the kid. They need a white villain to distract from the nigger driving over grannies in wisconsin. The parents hell could be agents for all we know. I hate being all crazy suspecting shit of being clown ops, but like you said clowns do be like that.
so would they have taken the fathers guns as well? Would they even have that right to do so? Those red laws or whatever they are called only go to the person involved not the surrounding family if guns are in the home. LE is cucked.
taxation with out representation. Taxes for those with religious exemptions is religious persecution they can call it a fine, but where does that money go they collect. Highly illegal, not like they care they will not care till the rope is placed around their neck.
confirmed that is fucking weird. Like why. why not a picture of the white house gardens or something stupid like that. Why that moment.
omg he must have been a baker, bread crumbs, crumbly it is all coming together. pretty soon they will say his family was qanon.
i thought kids had reported it a few times before it happened.
have any anon's heard of this book or it's theories that the Irish, or Celts are the true people and that everything else has been a lie from the Hebrews to the Romans to the modern Church. Something about Jesus being Irish in origin and his name being Iessu which makes me think is Issa or is it Iessa in Tibet and the Muslim Cultures? Just curiuos, interesting theory still trying to parse all of it. but it does have some legs.
pretty much, not sure about it but there is something to it. I believe in Jesus but i also am not stupid enough to ignore some of the so called occult shit since we know the myths all combine at certain points. Giant wars and all that and even if the Sumerians were first they may have sailed out to Ireland and then circled back to quote Psucki.
i found that also, thinking about buying a hard copy as well to highlight. Stumbled on this a while back and a few channels have mentioned it in relationship to tartaria(slide), but channels like the mysterious middle east have spoken about it. Has to be a reason for the similarities, blue eyed gods and all that.