and they ain't semites
you get a D- for effort
if[[[they]]]did not provide the divisive bigotry
[[[they]]] would HAVE TOprovidethe divisive bigotry
to show the people that there is[divisive bigotry]
anons love the truth and search for it always
anons are love
stacy abrams would make the cut me thinks
check with the 8Kun Meme Language Department tho
make the coffees and put a teaspoon of budda in there
coconut butter
pots butter
yak butter
anon! shhhh!
they be workin on the double dicked cat faced pony soldier girl gifs at warp speed
that will destroy research as we know it!
let alone that they have all these flags of red and choose not to search his backpack tho it's there
and then return him and all those red flags back into the school
female botoxed freak ass doctors on my box looking like swollen bacon grease trying to tell me about HEALTH?