>Scientists baffled
An old mentor of mine once stated,
“If you can’t blind them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.”
This is common practice in scientific literature to this very day.
>Scientists baffled
An old mentor of mine once stated,
“If you can’t blind them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.”
This is common practice in scientific literature to this very day.
Watch and learn>>15134208
Killer SUVs
The been doing that 98% wrong if the News be accurate.
“They have to be shown”?
Interwebs grab. ‘Failed pillar’ duckduck.
How is an identifier anti-Semitic?
Seriously question?
Is asking one’s race on a census form anti- that race?
So it’s origins are anti-Semitic.
The thing itself?
An identifier is just that. It is not for, nor against, it just is.
Would a Star of David emoji also be anti-Semitic as an identifier, because of WW2?
I am asking sincere questions.
That makes me a shill?
Some wear their identity proudly, why not the Jewish?
> used to get men to do what's expected of them.
In spite of personal choice, is my wife then a honeypot?
She’s a good girl, and coming around day by day. Without that anchor I would not be chained by concern my actions would impose on family/spouse.
Interesting fact.
If you inquire why Jewish don’t proudly proclaim their identity then no one will talk to you here anymore. Until the next bread anyway. Why is such questioning a bad thing, here or anywhere?
You should answer my question honestly.
Give me an honest answer to an honest, perhaps naive, question.
Answer me.