Well done. You lot are sick in the head. I am human you assholes.
I’m actually talking about you the fucking military
Congrats - here’s your legal case on a plate. I don’t have fucking paranoid shizophrenia or fucking non organic psychosis. You guys come up with a fucking cover diagnosis. I dont care that you have timings and shit. What you lot are doing to me is against every single human rights law on the planet,
Yes well done I went to watch the stupid film with my ex boyfriend Benjamin White. So fucking what. It’s just a fucking movie with nice music.
I have myocarditis. And a chronic fungal infection and my kidneys are bleeding, Are you lot proud? I am not willing to die for this movement.
“Michael Pompeo is that enough for you yet?” You lot have a lot to answer for. I’m not the one that needs defending here. Whatever I say or do will piss someone off. Cool. Yay. No clarification needed. Love Q
I Francesca Heloise Golding need to be handled with care. Pun intended. You sick motherfuckers.
To leave me with Lupus psychosis and a duodenal abscess and breathing problems and a rotting stomach and a heamorraghic ovarian cyst is sick in the head. That is all of you who could intervene right now.
To be honest meningitis and a brain abscess or brain tumour doesn’t seem much of a stretch. I am a type 1 diabetic with a kidney infection and no one will even treat me even if I turned up AT CASUALTY RIGHT NOW.,