fucking LE ..so what did the parents do exactly. Other than run which they should considering most LE are cum guzzling faggots along with the feds. SO when do we start persecuting all the parents fo the black kids who rape and murder or antifa faggots who burn down shit.
except he was documented as saying the other thing. Look it up.
fuck off you lazy twat. Calling me a shill you absolute retard.
hitler was a jew possibly also, so no.
not like your moms after she was railroaded last night faggot.
that is the rumor at least, to the point he destroyed the village in which he was born. It was not just done to put a new highway in.
and you sound like a bitch. now fuck off your neck yourself. Not my fault famous people hated the tribes to the point of calling them out, and that it was documented to the point that idiots need correction.
is the idea sorta like the reverse of apple cider vinegar? Base vs acid. just to keep a balance in the system?
There is more of that lovely projection i have grown so fond of. Oh no a slur did it hurt your feelings. Perhaps i should say nigger, chink, spic, slope, slant, heeb, cracker. Is that good enough for you bitch. Enjoy your you, and your change you just earned. Fag.
oh hell one more you tiny limp wrist faggot i doubt you could even slice your wrists open properly. You would fuck it up because you have no balls to actually go through with it , besides gotta earn that change to eat.
the lightning is a nice touch.
no just having fun letting you earn your you so you can eat another day. Feeling generous. Now you and your lover can go blow each other and this time afford some condoms.
and that is why i feed them god, must suck to be them trapped in a cage only let out to shill. Is there a place to donate or do you just give them the you so they can eat that day?
never hear of aids you retard? Oh of course not you are so used to getting those farm diseases from fucking farm animals. Well maybe you should take some ivermectin instead then?
don't think so. Was the uhaul cheaper than a bus? Very strange.
The school system. Doesn't matter you still should neck yourself since you cant handle that Tesla hated the jews. Hitler was a Jew. And you are a crying bitch. You and your fag friend.
honestly so would i, all should come to christ but fuck them most days, and i have no love or patience for the most part but they need to eat who else will keep anons entertained with hours of shit memes and comments.
the shills hate when you bring this up. I think it is funny.