yea, i totally agree
fuck white people standing up for something, fellow co-worker
yea, sure thing, fellow co-worker
you're totally right
that's why all the actual soros-funded organizations, the fucking adl, splc, aclu, propublica, and every antifa group out there labels them the same way you do
fuck white people, america needs a shitload of diversity and open borders
/qresearch/ is now /leftypol/
>be loud
>be heard
>fight, fight, fight
nah, fuck all that
shitposting on an img board is far better than having a voice
you're shit eating scum and would fit right in at /leftypol/
maybe you should sit back and wait on the crooked ass government to tell you who the enemy is
the same faggots that answer to mega corporations and billionaires and lobby for massive immigration from third world countries so they can have cheap slave labor
pesky americans asking for better living wages, fuck that
just bring in some foreigners who will do a sub par job for half the pay so the ceo and the board members can collect their 7 and 8 figure salaries
lets just keep sending billions of taxpayer dollars to foreign countries so they can teach "gender studies"
fucking faggots love their chains because they're invisible to the average pleb
fucking revolutionary army and minutemen milita
what a bunch of glowniggers
should have just let the crown walk right on in and install the federal reserve that steadily fucks people with usury /s
wait a minute..they did that anyway