Anonymous ID: 3b21b8 Dec. 4, 2021, 3:40 p.m. No.15136573   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6583 >>7095

>Hunter and Tucker. Be careful who you follow.


Wondered why this hasn't gained steam, so took a peek at what the "competition" was saying (Pics of current headlines).

Fredo firing sure is timely, eh? Wonder why the "competition" isn't all over this, especially CNN?


Saw Carlson getting props earlier for covering the FAKE "artwork" bullshit.

Compared to the "artwork" farce, how much airtime, total, has/did BHR/Rosemont Seneca Partners get, especially leading up to the election? How about stuff getting “lost in the mail”??

faux viewers are so immune to being TEASED with nothing that they’re content, as long as they’re ENTERTAINED.

CNN, MSDNC, etc. are horrible Communist cretins (with very low ratings, BTW), but they're not diving OUR side.


As for Daily mail which at least tells some truth - That was a Patrick Howley scoop - NOT their “exclusive”, and it was a BRIETBART editor who was sicced by Carlson on Hunter’s behalf:


ALL of Corrupt MSM should be Priority One in this battle, as THEY are who shields and protects all of this UniParty corruption.