If you're on this board and didn't already stock.up.on Ivermectin, no one here can really help you
Calling it now. These people are NOT patriots, and this will not end well
This is not how patriots act
Trying to make people associate 'patriot' with Nazi
Oh easy to tell theyre Farm boys
No, just fuck THESE GLOWIES for trying to make actual patriots - you know, the ones who show their faces and walk in daylight and maybe have flags- look bad. You're adorably ignorant, 'anon'
Ah.get it. It is (YOU) who are not a patriot. Explains a lot - but don't worry you're totally blending in
Think mirror, faggot
Hard to believe they're so stupid they don't realize this 'new variant' is going to very safely achieve herd immunity and BTFO COVID. has both coronavirus and flu virus characteristics.
Catch Omicron and no flu or COVID this winter
Probably. Now they can look like Antifa AND smell like Antifa
'course not. But this is an op. It's ok because they're all on the same side. They're in DC, remember,? Just like summer of 2020
Us? Who the fuck is this 'us'?
Meh. Let the soibois have their little fun