I took a covid home test and it was positive almost instantly
Only did it cause literally everyone I was
around at a certain bar is sick, most all
testing positive (and most jabbed too!)
We've all, 5 of us that I know of personally, been out of commission since Monday
Extreme fatigue, excruciating headache,
low grade fever, body ache, night sweats,
Scratchy throat, lots of coughing, runny
nose, loss of appetite, a little diarrhea,
eye pain, sensitivity to light
Today I lost my sense of taste
My 6 year has a fever but otherwise feels good. He gets sick every year this time though
I've taken vitamins here and there. I'm
mostly just too tired to get the fuck up
and take them. Took one dose of
Ivermectin. No change.
Every time I think I'm rounding a corner
I start feeling like shit again. Lost 5 pounds
We could all just have the fucking flu
but whatever it is it sucks