you do that? if so not bad at all. Always thought about sharing my art on here or something but memes will have to do for now.
maybe someday on here. Maybe if i crop the paintings in a way to not give too much away. I am happy that anons enjoy the memes i have made over the years that makes me happy actually. Especially when i see one i forgot i did.
it is fucking disgusting no wonder the parents ran. What happened is not right but neither is this. SO it is either totally a clown op to distract or something else which then leads to the problem of the no good LE line.
good, democracies are faggot just like that shill homo. Who needs writers to be funny? Oh right, that guy.
digits will get you that in a bit. Hang on.
yeah that twist was what was needed.
redid the line work using a different pen not as brush like.
well i think it is now sunday their time so it is looking like it will be an interesting night shift.