>>15140529 lb
>>15140518 lb
=Bob Dole dead at 98=
>>15140529 lb
>>15140518 lb
=Bob Dole dead at 98=
Follow the wives.
Elizabeth Dole.
He grew up with democrats parents, but knew GOP had better odds in the state, so hopped on GOP wagon.
How long has Disney worked on animatronics?
7.8 Billion "people" wait until the world finds out a large majority are not "human" — releasing technology drip drip drip gush
Cruise ship with COVID-19 infections arrives in New Orleans
Some disembarking passengers told WVUE-TV in New Orleans that they were notified about the positive cases on the ship, while others said they had no idea about the outbreak until being asked about it by a reporter.
“We didn’t hear of this until we kind of heard you talking a second ago,” said Don Canole, a passenger from North Carolina. “It would have been nice to have known. We would have taken maybe a few more precautions.”
Passengers said they were tested for COVID-19 exposure on Saturday before disembarking Sunday. The cruise line also gave passengers take-home rapid tests as they left the ship, according to WVUE.
>>How many of those are human, and how many are something else?
Sputnik V is one of the three vaccines in the world with efficacy of over 90% (V is for Vlash)
Sputnik M vaccine for "children" (M is for Maitre)
Hybrids being eradicated.